At Sunbury Stunt and Tumble Academy, we are committed to fostering a positive and respectful environment for all participants, including athletes, coaches, volunteers, and parents. Our Behavior Policy outlines our expectations for behavior and conduct to ensure the safety, well-being, and enjoyment of everyone involved in our programs.

Behavior Expectations for Athletes:

Athletes must treat coaches, volunteers, teammates, and opponents with respect and kindness at all times. Bullying, discrimination, harassment, or any form of unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated under any circumstances .
Safety is our top priority. Athletes are expected to adhere to all safety guidelines and instructions provided by coaches and staff. Report any unsafe conditions or concerns promptly.
Athletes are encouraged to maintain a positive and enthusiastic attitude toward practice, competition, and their teammates. Positive reinforcement, encouragement, and support for fellow athletes are essential. If you are having a bad day at school or at home please remember cheerleading is your safe space and to let go and have fun. Please do not bring in your bad mood to your training as it affects the whole class. Instead, have a chat with your coaches and teammates and see if they can help pick you up.
Athletes should demonstrate dedication to improving their skills and working collaboratively as part of a team. Striving for excellence with determination and cooperation is expected in every training. Athletes will need to come to class prepared to work hard and participate fully without any complaints or excuses. This will ensure everyone involved fun and progress their skills to the best of their ability.
Athletes should communicate openly and respectfully with coaches at all times. Effective communication is key to a successful and safe cheerleading experience. Any swearing, yelling, using any profanity or any threatening staff or parents or being rude or unkind of any kind including in person, via phone, email or on social media with not be tolerated this includes threatening to leave or quit will and will result in the athletes immediate termination of enrollment on the club no refund of fees.

Behavior Expectations for Coaches and Volunteers

Coaches and volunteers must prioritize the safety and well-being of all participants, especially children. Adherence to all child protection policies and guidelines is mandatory.

Coaches and volunteers are expected to model respectful behavior by treating all athletes, regardless of age, gender, skill level, or background, with respect and dignity. Discriminatory or offensive language and behavior are unacceptable.

Maintain professionalism in all interactions. Coaches and volunteers should avoid engaging in inappropriate relationships with athletes, both during and outside of practice.

Ensure that all training sessions and activities are conducted with the highest regard for safety. Monitor and address any unsafe conditions promptly.

Coaches and volunteers should provide positive reinforcement, motivation, and constructive feedback to athletes. Recognizing and celebrating effort and achievements, no matter the scale, is encouraged.

Behavior Expectations for Parents and Guardians:

Parents and guardians should be supportive and encouraging of their child’s cheerleading journey. Avoid undue pressure and prioritize their child’s enjoyment of the sport.

Show respect for coaches, officials, and other participants. Address any concerns or issues through appropriate channels rather than publicly.

Ensure that your child attends practices and events regularly and on time. Prompt arrival and pickup help maintain a smooth and organized schedule.

Support the academy’s safety guidelines and ensure that your child adheres to them. Provide the necessary safety gear and equipment as required.

Maintain open and respectful communication with coaches and the academy administration. Address any concerns or questions promptly and respectfully.

All training will be run without spectators as we find that it is a distraction to the athletes and the class runs better with the athlete’s full attention when parents are not watching. Parents will not interrupt training that is in progress to talk with the coaches, please speak to our receptionists who will pass a message on to the coach or can get the coach for you, if it is not urgent you are welcome to send us an email or call, message or arrange a time to have a meeting if needed otherwise there will be a short time before and after class to talk to the coach.

Consequences for Violations:

Violations of this Behavior Policy may result in consequences, including warnings, suspension, or expulsion from the academy, as determined by the severity of the violation and its impact on the academy’s values and safety.


At Sunbury Stunt and Tumble Academy, we believe that upholding this Behavior Policy creates an environment where everyone can thrive, learn, and enjoy cheerleading. It is the responsibility of all participants, coaches, volunteers, and parents to abide by these standards and contribute to a positive and respectful cheerleading community. Together, we embody the values of respect, safety, and excellence.

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