Before becoming a part of our family, we want to express our gratitude for your commitment to reviewing our handbook. We understand that the world of cheerleading can be complex and, at times, overwhelming due to its multifaceted nature. As a new club, this booklet serves as a unifying resource to ensure that our entire community is well-informed and aligned. We kindly ask you to read through the following pages with care.

Charging a fee for cheerleading classes is necessary to cover various expenses associated with providing high-quality training, maintaining proper facilities, and compensating coaches and staff. Here’s an explanation of why we charge what we do and how it benefits cheerleaders:

1. Training Coaches and Staff:

Expertise: Our coaches are highly trained and experienced in cheerleading. They undergo continuous education to stay updated with the latest techniques and safety standards.
Dedication: Coaches and staff work diligently to create tailored training programs, offer personalized feedback, and ensure a safe and supportive learning environment.
Compensation: Charging for classes allows us to compensate our dedicated coaches and staff fairly for their expertise and time commitment.

2. Proper Equipment and Premises:

Safety: We invest in high-quality cheerleading equipment and maintain a safe training environment to reduce the risk of injuries.
Facility Costs: Rent, utilities, insurance, and equipment maintenance are ongoing expenses required to provide a safe and conducive training space.

3. Maintenance:

Facility Upkeep: Regular maintenance and cleaning of training facilities ensure a safe and welcoming environment for our cheerleaders.
Equipment Replacement: Over time, equipment may wear out and require replacement to maintain safety and functionality.

4. Benefits for Cheerleaders:

Expert Guidance: Our classes provide access to expert coaches who can provide personalized instruction, helping cheerleaders progress faster and master advanced skills.
Skill Development: Proper training allows cheerleaders to build a strong foundation of skills, improving their performance, and reducing the risk of injury.
Goal Achievement: Structured classes help cheerleaders set and achieve their physical and mental goals, boosting their self-confidence and motivation.
Team Building: Classes foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork among cheerleaders, enhancing their overall experience.

5. Excellence and Safety:

Achieving the Best: With proper training and dedicated coaching, cheerleaders can achieve excellence in their sport, mastering advanced skills and routines.
Safety First: Our classes prioritize safety, teaching proper techniques and awareness to minimize the risk of accidents and injuries.

In summary, charging for cheerleading classes is essential to provide cheerleaders with a safe, professional, and supportive training environment. It allows us to invest in the necessary resources, maintain quality coaching, and help each cheerleader reach their full potential both physically and mentally. Our commitment is to enable every cheerleader to be the best they can be while ensuring their safety and success in the sport of cheerleading.

Admin/ Registration Fee: $80: This fee covers cost associated with registering an athlete, public liability insurance and Club Tshirt.

Skillset Classes: This fee is for classes taken by an athlete and vary depending on duration of classes.

Tiny Tumbling (2-3 years)(3-5 years): $13 per week charged fortnightly: Class Duration: 30 mins
Engaging Classes,
Gross and Fine Motor Skills,
Strength Progression,
Safe Environment,
1 Coach per 4 Athletes.

Junior Skillset (5 – 12 years): $36 per week charged fortnightly: Class Duration: 2 hours
Stunting, Tumbling and Conditioning,
Focus on Safety and Technique,
Individualized instruction,
Fun and Supportive Environment,
1 Coach per 6 Athletes.

Senior Skillset (10 – 18 years): $42 per week charged fortnightly: Class Duration: 2.5 hours
Stunting, Tumbling and Conditioning,
Focus on Safety and Technique,
Individualized instruction,
Fun and Supportive Environment,
1 Coach per 6 Athletes.

Advanced Skillset (9+ Years): $48 per week charged fortnightly: Class Duration: 3 hours
L2 Stunting and Tumbling,
Focus on Safety and Technique,and Strength
Fun and Supportive Environment,
Individual Instruction,
1 Coach per 6 Athletes.

At Sunbury Stunt and Tumble Academy, we are committed to providing a high-quality cheerleading experience for all our athletes. To maintain the integrity of our programs and ensure the well-being of our coaches and athletes, we have established a Fees and Payment Policy. Please carefully review the following policy regarding fees, payment options, and related terms and conditions

Payment Options:

Ezi debit is the exclusive payment option offered by Sunbury Stunt and Tumble Academy. Payment arrangements can be made upon receipt of the term invoice. Please inform our accounts team of your preferred payment schedule. Options may include paying in full on a specified date, making four equal payments throughout the year, or setting up a weekly direct debit.

Enrollment Fees:

An enrollment fee of $80 must be paid, and a tuition debit plan covering all tuition for the year must be set up by all customers before the commencement of their first class (excluding free trial classes).

Payment Methods:

We do not accept cash, card, or bank transfer payments in the gym. All fees must be paid through the EziDebit payment system.

Advance Payments:

All fees must be paid two weeks in advance to ensure that all accounts remain up to date.

No Pay, No Play Policy:

Athletes with overdue invoices will not be allowed to participate. We strictly enforce a “No Pay, No Play” policy, and athletes will be asked to sit out. Payees will be informed in advance if fees are overdue.

Overdue fees will accumulate late fees.

Financial Difficulties:

If you experience financial difficulties, please inform your accounts manager. We are willing to work with you to establish a fair and effective payment plan, but this must be arranged before a debt accumulates.

Debt Collection:

If an account remains outstanding for 30 days or more and we have been unable to resolve the issue, the debt will be sent to a debt collector. Enrollment will be frozen until the issue is resolved.

Athlete Withdrawals:


If you decide to withdraw, please be aware that all outstanding fees for the term will be automatically charged.

Refunds on term fees are not provided unless a medical certificate is presented, demonstrating that the athlete is unable to participate for an extended period.

Withdrawal from Competitive Teams and development teams:

In competitive teams, the entire term fee is payable. Any withdrawal from athletes after week 3 of the term will require payment for the full year.

By signing our contract to join the club, you agree to adhere to these strict terms and conditions. There will be no negotiation of these terms. We take payment and timeliness seriously because we are dedicated to providing you and your athlete with the best possible experience. Your payments contribute to compensating our qualified, hardworking, and experienced coaches, covering our operational expenses, and maintaining our gym equipment for the benefit of our athletes and community. Your commitment to timely payments ensures the sustainability of our programs and services.

At Sunbury Stunt and Tumble Academy, our commitment to a strict payment policy is driven by several important reasons:

Providing the Best Experience: We aim to offer the highest quality cheerleading experience, which includes top-notch coaching, safe facilities, and quality equipment. Timely payments are crucial to maintain these standards.

Supporting Coaches: Our dedicated coaches are vital to our programs. Ensuring fair and consistent compensation for them is a priority.

Meeting Financial Obligations: Like any organization, we have financial responsibilities such as facility rent, utility bills, insurance, and equipment maintenance. Timely fees help us meet these obligations.

Equipment Upkeep: Well-maintained equipment is essential for athlete development. Regular maintenance and replacement are necessary for a safe training environment.

Community Services: Our commitment to the community relies on timely payments. Delinquent payments can impact our ability to serve the community effectively.

Sustainability: Enforcing our payment policy ensures the long-term sustainability of our programs, allowing us to plan for the future, offer competitive opportunities, and invest in athlete development.

In essence, our strict payment policy is about safeguarding program quality and sustainability, compensating coaches, maintaining facilities, and providing the best cheerleading experience. Your support in adhering to these policies is essential for our continued excellence.

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